The Snooze Button==================What if life had a snooze button?It does.It is labeled procrastination.A snooze button simply allows you to stay where you are a littlewhile longer instead of getting up and going.That's exactly what procrastination is.There is a funny thing about sleeping after you hit the snoozebutton on an alarm clock; it seems like that sleep is moreprecious. Not only is it more precious, it seems like timespeeds up approximately three fold. Fifteen minutes becomesfive minutes, ten minutes seem like three minutes.Why do we hit the snooze button?Because we can.Imagine if you hit the lotto and you have to be there by 8 pickup your check or it is forfeited; the alarm goes off andyou look at the clock and it is 7 A.M. No matter how sleepy youare, do you think you would even consider hitting the snoozebutton?Some people are just not good in math in school, but it seemslike those same people become math geniuses when it comes tocalculating the absolute latest time they can get up, get readyand make it to work or school, even with a foggy waking brain.In life the snooze button is not usually in minutes.We may know we need to go back to school and hit snooze for twoyears later.We may know we need to start exercising;we hit snooze for next year.We may know we want to travel and see some place in the world;we hit snooze for five years later.We may know we have an idea for a business; we hit snooze forten years later.The other thing about the snooze button is that you can hit itmore than once to get a longer delay of getting moving.Have you ever hit the snooze button while still sleep and didn'tremember hitting it?Have you ever meant to do something in your life and didn'trealize it had been so long since you were supposed to getstarted on it?The two hardest things about doing something is getting startedand getting finished.Beeeeeeeeeeeeep.This is your wakeup call.Get your finger off of that button.
This is what Mountain Wings sent me today in an e-mail. Funny how it fits perfectly in this blog. Even if it's NOT pro-procastination. lol!