
And Now Presenting

All stand rise and greet the most awesomoso co-president in the universe....*duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuh* Thank you thank you no really you shouldnt have...Lol anyways I just wanted to thank all those who have thought about applying for these positions. If you have wanted to and thought about it but keep putting it off...YOU'RE PERFECT! Honestly we need people to unite and show support for those that have a "fashionably late" sense about everything like parties, homework and feed that random pet thats been starving for weeks. Come on People!!! Lets show the world the beauty of procrastination...

Wise and Fabulous

Heather Feather


Friggy said...

BEAUTIFUL! Bravista! MWAH! Yes people please show your support for this wonderful talent. I'll read over your comments while I ignore my dog begging to be let out.....

Friggy said...

So, Heather... Kathy for Secretary? What do you think? The application sounds good enough... she wrote it like 5 days ago.... So I think it's time to start considering don't you? lol!

Anonymous said...

Ya'll crack me up! Right now I think that I'm procrastinating doing homework, chores, eating, and sleeping!!! How's that for a whammy!!! By the way, there's a project that's due on Monday along with a portfolio. And a Broadway and Beyond show that i must attend on Saturday. So when's the work getting done?

Friggy said...

HA! lol! Sorry Heather, Kat's Hired! Secretary it is!

Heather Feather said...

FINE!!! So much for partnership! Why dont we just make her co-president too!?! LOL just kidding...anyways yea she sounds perfecto she just needs a short pencil skirt and the smacking bubblegum lol...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you very much *said in Elvis voice*!!! I will go buy that pencil skirt and bubble gum later, but not now. I'll procrastinate that to later bcuz i'm still 2 busy procrastinating my project and portfolio that my dad is insisting i do!!!

Friggy said...

Nah, she got the smacking the gum down pat... that's why I hired her... lol!

Heather Feather said...

we're so weird...

Friggy said...

Hah! Speak for yourself! I'M perfectly normal! Short bus and all...

Anonymous said...

Ya'll are crazy. I was thinking about applying but I didn't feel like it. Talk to you later if I actually get around to it...