
Ok all you good citizens of You-Know-Where-opolis. Its time to end this crazy debate of who is the best superhero and maybe supervillian. If you got to my blog i have created two Politrizing-Omnicient-Latherer-and Lobedishin Salinkmachine...(otherwise known as P.O.L.L.S.)
If you would please make your way to my blog and press the button to vote! O and be sure to reload the page if you dont see all two or three of them!!


Friggy said...

Did I ever tell you that you are mentally insufficient and deprived?

Heather Feather said...

yea maybe...but you still voted!!!

Friggy said...

yeah, I did.... The Ter-mi-na-tor.... You shoulda added..... Daaarth Va-dor..... *Khooo-Kheeee*

Willard said...

u guys are crazy..

Friggy said...

You know it, lol!